Tuesday, March 5, 2019


A social evil, that need to be eliminated. A villain for social equality. Fanaticism Dictionary
 which is still deep rooted in Indian culture. This is the impression on Varnashramam. What is the need for such a cruel and evil practice? Who formulated this? and for why? Let's try to understand viciousness and conspiracy behind this.

The word Varnashramam is a combination of two Sanskrit words Varna + Ashram, in which Ashram means stages and Varna predominantly means color, and also means order, class or type. Given that, varnashramam probably refers to Stages of a Class, which further means, classification of a person (or society) based on their occupation or profession. What is the necessity of such classification? Is there really a necessity?

As long as, man decides to live alone, there seems to be no necessity for such differentiation, as it is, his life and he chooses how to live. However, the moment when two (at least) people decide to come closure to live as a society, arises the need for governing rules. As an individual one can smoke/drink publicly, this liberty is not challenged until an another person enters that space. As an individual one can enjoy the liberty to the fullest, but as an socialite one is forced to compromise in exercising their liberty to the fullest.

Society also requires sections for maintain its scalability, reliability and maintainability, and below they are as per modern social science:

1) Producers : Society requires a team of producers for its Food and Shelter needs, Just like working ants in ants colony, this section gives energy to the society. They comprise of Farmers, Weavers, Artisans, Carpenters and all kinds of producers and service enablers. They form the base for any society. They are the working group.

2) Distributors : The products and services produced by the producers, need to be distributed across the society, so that the society expands evenly on all sides, rather, bulging on few sides making the rest weaker and feeble. Moreover, this section plays a vital role in supply chain management and maintaining demand and supply cycle. Which is crucial for any society to be stable.

3) Protectors : It is natural, to have both good and bad in a society. After all, society is a group of people, who pledged to live together for some common benefits. Under such contract, the stronger might take advantage of the weaker, stronger not only means physical strength or power, but also positions in society. Say, producers, let's take two types of producers, one who produces Rice and other who produces Salt. One who produces Rice has more physical strain than the one who produce Salt, as the former needs to plough, sow, irrigate, weeding, pesticiding, safeguarding yield from animals and birds, harvest, process, store and sell, where as latter, has to irrigate sea water and leave the rest to sun, collect and sell. However the demand for salt is higher than the demand for rice, as people have other alternatives for rice, like millets, wheat and all, but for salt no alternative. Given that, the salt producer can demand high value.

Hence comes the need of an administrator, who controls the price index, and regulates the demand and supply cycle from distributors as well. They are also protect the society from other rival societies by training personnel for any sort of attacks. Hence the above two sections will fund this class and it is called taxes, as they cannot take care of themselves, when they are already engaged in taking care of others.   

4) Scholars : They research and provide necessary skills for the other sections as improvement process. They help in intellectual evolution, move mankind (society) to the next level. Hence the above 3 sections will fund this class and it is known as grants or donations.

These sections are based on physical and mental health, and also at times, out of wish and interest. Prodigies with good mental power, become scholars, with good physical power, become protectors, with good analytical skills, maketh them Distributors and some are really hardworking and they fall in producers category.

Family Business:

A doctor expects his son to be a doctor,  an Administrator expects his son to be an IAS officer as well, a politician wants his son to take this throne, and all these are considered absolutely perfect. They try every means to remove the obstacles or competitions from other sects or groups to maketh their son their heir for their empire.

A non-Dharmic doctor, plays nook and cranny to get rid of his sons competitor, if his son is not competent enough. Similarly a politician, and it is very obvious in Indian politics, for more than 5-6 decades, Congress/DMK is headed only by founder family members as others are either incompetent or ineligible. 

Also, it becomes difficult for the other group to compete with those whose family is already in that stream/profession/business, as they are few steps ahead and also at times it adds up to the improvement. Teacher teaches his son better than other students, It is quite natural for any human to expect his offspring to perform best.  Any smart and intelligent person will expect and train his offsprings to be better in this field and this crookness is unavoidable, as long as father believes no dharma (not religion/faith, its about righteousness). Over period of time the profession/business becomes the identity of the family. This leads to discrimination from family to society.

What is has to do with Varnashramam?
All the four sections mentioned above, are respectively called as below by in Varnashramam
1) Producers - Sudras
2) Distributors - Vaishias
3) Protectors - Kshatriyas
4) Scholars - Brahmanas.

Only terminology changes. Varna was never based on birth as it was based on profession, Parasuram become Kshatriya even though he born in Brahmin family. Kaushika a Kshatriya become a Brahmin and known as Viswamitra, Valmiki a sudra become a Brahmana, Veda Vyasa a sudra become a Brahmana and so on. During the medieval period, varna was classified based on birth, when profession become family business,  farmer son  as farmer, a potter son as potter, king son as king, scholar son as scholar and so on. This continued for some time, till the point where, started getting imposed, that farmer son should only become a farmer, potter son should be only a potter and so on.

Modern day discrimination is not based on varna, it is more based on social and economical status, the equality of liberal dreams is mirage, and it cannot happen, as one cannot treat an Honorable judge and heinous culprit as same, as it halts the evolution. As it was in early days, discrimination should be based on deeds and neither be based on profession or socio-economic status.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Politics n Urban Naxalism

To cheat someone, one has to create interest and implant trust in them. From Food to politics this is the trend. Say, doctor or popular personality talking about health facts of a product, creates interest in viewers mind and urges them to buy. Or create a disinterest on existing practice/product so that users will disown that practice/product and befriend with the new practice/item.

Example, for hand sanitizer, a person with doctor dress with stethoscope around neck, describes the micro-organisms/bacteria even in clean palms, modern technology helps in visualisation. Then he adds few drops of sanitizer, and confirms all micro-organisms are dead, which for sure we don't know, as neither see them with our naked eyes before nor after. The fear of micro-organisms and trust makes us to believe there was microorganisms earlier and it wasn't later. Now, we buy that product.

In India it is very successful trend, since 1940's. From Products to Practice to Politicians it is every where. The trust and interest that was created initially is key for forgiveness for all their past, present and future sins. Congress created such trust successfully and their corruptions (JEEP, BOFORS, COAL, 2G, National Herald, Augusta and so on ) were forgiven or ignored. Even AAP, created such interest, by taking advantage of Nirbhaya Case, LokPal agitation and all, gained trust, got power and they indulge in scandals. Communism (across the globe) created such interest by creating an illusion of workers protection, and took over the world so fast, then any practice or philosophy before.

How do they create this interest?
Creating interest is like investing time and money. Instigate scenario, project yourself as the honest, selfless, neutral and down to earth person. Politicians, project themselves as freedom fighters, protesting against injustice, talking about social injustice/inequalities, racism, gender inequality and all. With these activities they gain trust among the people. Once they gain that trustability, followers believe them blindly, then they don't have to talk trust worthy things, as what ever they speak becomes trust worthy. Ex. Congress gained trust by talking about gender equality, but pooh-poohed when PM gave opportunity to a female minister to defend her ministry. This oxymoron-ism  was never questioned by people, in fact they supported congress for such cheap act. Same with DMK, who talk about women empowerment and gender equality, insulted woman Defence Minister, as Pickle Aunty, just because she is a women. Which received no condemns neither from public nor from main stream media.

Media is altogether a different devil, under the hood of neutralism hides a venomous thongs, they strike so hard and fast, that,  before we realise that we are stuck, the venom would have completed its task. Let me give few examples, News7, does talk shows on Sterlite and all but will never spill a word about Sand Mafia and Minerals. Puthiyathalamurai, spoke volumes about pond and lake encroachment by various institutions but was completely blind folded on SRM institutes.

Freelance writers/activists are snake-lets, even though they are small they are as venomous as main stream media, they are dangerous then them as they don't know how to strike and when to strike, but they will keep striking. They gain popularity by projecting themselves as neutral, honest and equality in all aspects. Once they have enough followers all there rants are considered as preaches. They get power to make originals as fake and fakes as originals. As long as they retain the trust every word they utter will be a quote. They hide their intention and seek support for the same. T. Gandhi, Pyush M and all are best in this hide and seek play.

 Talking morals which are not practicable, they preach unquestionable humanity, unrestricted freedom and all. They ask to follow human rights to rapists but will behave like terrorists on those who stalks their daughters/sisters. They expect humanity towards terrorists but exercise extremism on those who damage (accidentally) their assets. Highly hypocritical!!!

Monday, February 25, 2019

Fasting - Myth vs Fact

Is fasting superstitious? or an over hyped custom? 

What science has to say about fasting?

Before knowing science lets get acquainted to our body principles and its working culture. Just like how we human expect a day off after a long week, vacation for a month after a year. As widely believed, that such break rejuvenates for the next cycle. Our body also requires a break, our body is made up of modular machines each having its role to function as a whole. Digestive system plays producer role, cells as consumers, blood as transporters, intestine and bladder as garbage collectors and so on. They work 24/7, 365 days a year.  Just like us, our internal organs also requires vacation, to detoxify the toxic contents. Fasting helps in detoxification and gives break, to the internal organs.

As per scientific studies, fasting has following health benefits, not limited too.

1) Regulates blood sugar control by reducing Insulin Resistance
2) Fights inflammation and promotes health
3) Controls BP, Triglycerides and Cholesterol levels promoting Heart health
4) Boost Brain Function and helps in preventing Neurodegenerative disorders
5) Weight Loss and Boosting metabolism
6) Increased Growth Hormone secretion
7) Could delay ageing and Extend Longevity (Junk DNA)
8) Aid in Cancer Prevention and increase effectiveness in Chemotherapy.

Fasting can be classified into three types
1) Dry Fasting (No Food or Liquids (Including Water))
2) Water or Juice only (Denounce any solid foods)
3) Fruits Only (Denounce all except fruits or specific fruits)

What spirituality has to say about fasting?

All most all beliefs and faith, encourage fasting, in-fact insist on fasting, some go to the extent of punishing, for non-adherence. Islam believes in a month fasting, during the holy month Ramadan (once in a year as per Islamic Calendar), they follow Dry fast during daytime. Christians too adhere similar practice during their Lent Period. Water/Liquid fasting is also in practice with them. Sanatana, covers all types of fasting along with its significance.

In Sanatana, just like its practice, fasting custom is also pluralistic in nature. They have a day, a week, 10 days, two week, one month, 48 days, one year and many years fasting as well, and the cycle also differs like, once in a week, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, half yearly and yearly.

Fasting in sanatana is not just food or water abstinence, it is a spiritual promiscuity. It is more about ostracising earthly pleasures and befriending heavenly ebullience. Santana, strictly believe that one cannot experience heavenly joyous without forbid-ing the earthly pleasures. Given all the pleasures, Food stands first, even sex stands after food. There was a study done by some American university, where they had two group, each locked in a room with full of porn movies, books and all. One group was given sufficient food and other group was left to starve or with minimal food.  The study results were surprising, the group with sumptuous food, had shown interest in sex, where as other group complete disinterest.  Another example, Diet Plans. We all know how diet plans work, given that, we can understand, that food is an irresistible pleasure. Which all faiths, try to overcome, and all prescribe fasting as a tool. 

In Patanjali Yoga sutra, fasting custom is defined as follows

1) For all and any time meat eaters (Tamasic) --  Should fast (Dry) for one month (30 days), starting before sunrise and break  post sunset. And this is exactly what Abrahamic religions follows very rigidly. For Sanatana followers, it would be Purattasi, Margali month depending upon their practice. 

2) For Non or Occasional Meat eaters (Satvic/Rajasic) -- Should fast once in 15 days for 1 - 2 days. Saivates do Pradosha fasting and Vishnavites do Ekadasi fasting, Sasti for Skandaites, Chaturthi for Ganathipathis and so on. Ekadasi fasting is termed as king of all fasting, probably because of its process, as the process includes pre-preparation to fasting. Pradosha and other fasting are followed for one day, where Ekadasi (11th day after Full/New moon day) is adhered for two days. On the first day (Dasami - 10th day after full/new moon day)  light meal is consumed, and on Ekadasi, Dry or Water only fasting is followed for the whole day, and break fast on next day (Duvadasi - 12th day) ideally with Amla followed by light meal. 

Scientists found that in a human DNA, there is a section, which has no information in it, they were baffled for a long time, trying to know its importance or mere existence, it has absolutely no information, and they termed it as JUNK DNA. Recent discovery as astonished them, as they found that during mitosis (Cell division), that this JUNK DNA is lost a little bit, and its keep losing itself on every mitosis, thus reducing the life tenure. From this they found that to increase the longevity, the loss of JUNK DNA need to be reduced, in order to reduce the loss of this, mitosis process need to be reduced, as frequent divisions lead to more loss of JUNK DNA. Researchers found that mitosis process can be controlled if calorie intake is reduced.

Scientists carried out an experiment, they formed a group, and made them to undergo strict diet plan, for 15 days or so, and monitored there mitosis process, the study results were as expected, there is reduction in JUNK DNA loss, however, there was a problem, the group was heavily fatigued. Later they found a 1-2 day biweekly, dry fasting is giving exactly the same results as strict diet plan process and the best part is, subjects are not fatigued.

Sanatana, have no rigid rules towards fasting, it allows all three type os fasting, you could see in the same family one following Dry fasting where as other Water/Liquid fasting and other Fruits only fasting and so on. All these fasting are beneficial and helps in detoxification.  Say for ex, Water only fasting, helps in detoxifying intestines and bladders, fruit juices in addition to water, helps in blood purification, and fibres  in fruits help in digestive system and so on. 

Is fasting a remedy?
May be or May be not, It is like asking is Smoking creates Cancer? Most of my friends, relatives and Colleagues are smokers, many of them are chain smokers indeed. Fortunately, I never came across any cancer patient. Does it mean, Smoking does not create cancer? Similarly, Fasting has health benefits, but it needs support from other factors as well, like Food habits, life style and all. As said in Sanatana Dharma, just fasting doesn't lead to moksha or blessing from lord,  sanatana proscribes such fasting. Fasting is a first step, to spiritual consciousness. Similarly fasting gives medical and health benefits, provided proper lifestyle and food habits support it, moreover it is one of the cheap and effective way to detoxify internal organs.


Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Why Conversion?

Religion is relatively new word, found its usage around 17th - 18th centuries, mostly refers to Christianity, as non-christians are called as Pagans.  Till now is not defined precisely. To an extent  it means, a belief or faith in a particular system, mostly the system here refers to super natural powers called GOD. Derived from the latin word "Religare" means "to bind".

Religion (Used to refer Christianity) believes in Monotheism, only one God, and restricts itself to particular practice, behaviours and beliefs. Since it believes in only one God, it cannot accept the other forms of God, which makes it to hate other beliefs or faith, as accepting other beliefs or faith is like directly distrusting itself. All non-followers of it, are either sinners or Satan (Opponent of God) worshippers.

Where as on the other hand, Dharmic, is a way of life, formulating practices (amendable) with respect to nature,  emphasises on duties (Karma). Practices can be Ahimsa (Jainism) or Vaidika Dharma (Sanatana), which has  6-7 versions, each further has  ranges between 2 to 36 versions or Nirvana (Buddhism)  or Panentheism (Sikhism) and so on collectively known as Hinduism. It is not polytheism as wrongly propagandised by Abrahamic religions, they derive that by taking exact opposite of Monotheism. Dharmic is not Polytheism, it is Pluralism.  The difference is multiple destinations versus multiple routes. In Pluralism the destination for is same, with multiple routes which follower is free to choose one, as per their wish, taste, maturity and comfortableness. Which is strictly prohibited in Monotheism, as they believe in only one GOD and to reach him there is only one Way with  rigid rules and practices, like specific prayer times for specific reasons on a designated day of the week and so on.

Paganism is a spiritual practice with multiple beliefs and forms, flourished in pre-christian era. Paganism and Dharmic practices are more or less the same, they both believe in nature worshiping and in Karma (Dharma), and there is no concept of Satan in both these practices. To level the grounds, both have concept of Bad.

No, Bad is not Evil, but Evil is bad.  Let me try to illustrate, condemning naughty kid harshly is bad,  giving capital punishment to the kid is evil  Bad in one situation becomes good in another, say for ex. Killing in war zone is good for nation, it is bad in family squabble. Dharmic practice comprises of such complicated philosophies, which negates itself again and again, making it more complicated to understand and practice. The more one knows about this practice, the more remains unknown.

Why  Conversion?

Neither Pagans nor Dharmics, have any advantage in converting others, as they don't have any concrete or at-least one static luring point to attract others, moreover it is a practice with multiple forms, so even religion with Monotheistic beliefs is one of the way for them. In pluralism there is no conversion, as they migrate from way to another, elevate and evolve.  It is based on evolution theory (Much before Darwin :) ), and it is not like choose one and stick to it forever, flexible enough to change ways as per the needs and maturity. Because of this diversity there is always a constant change, beating monotones

On the other hand, Religion, lacks this dynamism, so they need to add more people to their group, to bring this dynamism. In general religious practice  is very mechanical, tiring and loses its significance over a period of time. Hence, in this practice blasphemy is taken serious offence, which can earn brutal death.

One can talk profanely about Dharmic practice, it doesn't affect them much, exceptions are there as well, mostly wont get affected however such talks about a religion is deadly and disastrous. Religion narrows followers thoughts, as there is only one thing to believe, and that belief cannot and should not be challenged.

Religion indulges in conversion extensively to increase their strength, so, non-adheres can be eliminated, like Pagans in Uganda, Mazdayasna, Dharmic followers in Pakistan(s) and all . Religion controls  people psychologically, as the followers are forced to adhere to the rules and regulations, formulated by the priest or leader of the group, technically he is the controller, giving him the power to control the people. It is like military training who blindly obeys order, and never dares to challenge. More people to the group, more power to the priest or the leader of the group. Thats answers why conversion is done profusely in Religion.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Should a celebrity condemn publicly?

Absolutely YES, but why?  A celebrity is a celebrity not because, (s)he is best in their field, but due to their social responsibility. For being best in their field, they are already, recognised with awards and paid heavily. Celebrity is a recognition (in other words responsibility) given by the public, thats the reason, a celebrities private life is less compared to their public life. Moreover, the atrocities around us, is not because of bad people, but due to the silence of the good. Given that, for any atrocity one has to condemn and reject it immediately and publicly, immaterial off celebrity status. And for a celebrity it becomes a primary responsibility.

Why someone is not condemning publicly?
Fear. This could be fear of losing livelihood, losing popularity or losing status. In general Dishonest, when some one is not honest they cannot condemn publicly. To condemn, one has to be honest. Reserving comments on such atrocities, reveals their insecurity.

Can someone condemn privately? 
May be, on certain situations, that too when things are personal or restricted to a closed group, condemning can be  private, again not always. Say for an example, if I found my son doing shoplifting, I can condemn him privately but should respond immediately and publicly, means,  either keep the shoplifted product back or pay for the product. Once back home condemn him for the act. Contrarily, If I choose to keep blindfolded, after reaching home, condemning him is more or less like supporting him for the act, as it is not a punishment to him but will act as an encouragement, as he gets the product and as a bonus no intimidation in public. Intimidation in public is good though modern psychologists differ from me, however stats prove that modern psychologists ideology has failed to give better society and citizen. As we see increase in crimes in society, including minors, where ethics and morals were completely ignored.

Another example, Ilayaraja (Celebrity) corrected (condemned) his daughter Bavadharini on a stage show, where he had choice to do that privately, but he chose to do it publicly on the stage. 

If we don't condemn a terror act publicly, we are actually supporting the act by not providing enough resistance, and sugar coated condemns are direct support for such acts. Especially when sugar coated words like hasty, brainwashed, misguided youth and all is used. As these acts are well planned, meticulously executed, guided to the perfection, which need to be condemned publicly, in-fact should be punished immediately

For morons (I tried not be abusive, but it will injustice for Martys), who say Army personnel are to die, is not just a vicious statement but treachery. Army personnel are not meant to die, they are for our protection, they are in the first row to sacrifice their lives before our turn to lose. They are sacrificing their lives and comfortableness for our safety and happiness.Hence, asking for retaliation or revenge for them, is not an emotional ask, is out of devotion towards them.  Snake-lets who ask to restrict such comments to IPL and should be ostracised from public forms. Rather adding values to the society their views are damaging the social values. One should be precautious about them.

As a public we can ask for revenge, but ideally it is government decision, only government knows the consequences, a government should not indulge in more damage for peoples expectation at the same time public views or expressions should not be restricted either. Snake-lets and paid media (presstitues and Urban Naxals) are painting such people as emotional and war mongering demons, which is condemnable. These people who stood for dissent once are against now, when general public are dissenting their views they change their side to bigotry.

Ultimacy on anything is not good, ultimate liberty is not a boon but a disguised curse, freedom of expression or freedom of speech should have a check, ultimacy in it, will lead to disaster, good will use it wisely, but bad, will only misuse it and we have those consequences, all around us.

Finally, all sweet talks like "Eye for an Eye will make the whole world blind" is all good, however "Peace for an eye will make the whole world dead" better to be blind, to be dead. Not condemning or sugarcoated condemning is nothing but a indirect support. One has to condemn, but should choose correct emotions and words based on their social status as that shows their maturity, knowledge and responsibility. Above all their credibility and honesty.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Thugs of Bollywood (Hindustan)

It was supposed to be a fiction movie about historical events in Hindustan before Independence. However it turned out to be hypocritical movie with vicious plot. It is movie which talks about freedom fighters fighting against atrocities and dictatorship of Britishers, the sarcastic thing is,  freedom fighters in the movie were doing the same atrocities and implementing their dictatorship in Hindustan before Britishers.

Hindustan requires Azadi from both Mughal and British rulers, however in Movie it was shown as if Britishers are bad (not for long) and Mughals were/are good. By the end of the movie, it says even Britishers are good, but Hindustanis are bad and untrustworthy. It was trying to paint that Mughals fought for Independence, and process got delayed because of Hindustanis who are dishonest and greed. Ignoring the fact that Mughals were barbaric and unleashed their wickedness and cruelty against Hindustanis, they were been lauded as saviours and warriors in this Movie. The dacoits were painted as freedom fighters, which resembles the Yakub Menon and Afzul Guru who were adulated as martyrs.

Movie is conspires to spread, that dacoits are not actually a dacoits but saviours, who lost their lives for the wellness of this country, and the same pattern is copied to the present day situation, to make terrorists as martyrs. No much explanation is required when ones reasoning capability registers a particular sect as martyrs even when they actually see them as miscreants, psychologically we ourself will try to correct the judgement based on the past events. In the past history says they are dacoits and robbers but movie corrects it conveying convincingly that they are freedom fighters and saviours. 

This pattern, corrects the current dacoits and rioters are not actually what they are, but a misguided or twisted events and brain starts implementing its imagination in the process of correcting the event, based on the movie experience, and on top of it, will build logical arguments to support that imaginative correctness, finally will end up believing this imaginative correction as actual and actual as twisted event. It is like PhotoCopy becoming original and original becoming first copy.

It is so smoothly done, that one will never know that they are getting controlled or influenced by the movie, when they are actually. It can be explained with an example about mind reading. Often on the streets we can see Street Magicians who claim they can read minds. They stop a person and ask to think a number and secretly write in a piece of paper, till now it looks like the person who was asked to think about a number is independent and not influenced by any one. The person hands over the paper in hiding fashion to another person. So till now no one knows what is the number except the person who wrote it. Now all of sudden Magician reveals his skin, which has a tattoo (for real). What a surprise, the tattoo happens to be the same number wrote by the person. Bingo!!! Magic is it? 

But actually it is not Magic, but psychology, when magician asked the person to think and write about a number, he is actually persuading the person to think and write the same number which he already tattooed. Which he indirectly communicates to the person, for ex, Assume Magician has tattooed number 5,  while communicating to the person, he will open his palm to reveal number 5, he will use sentences, about 5, like it is 5 PM, pleasant/sultry evening. It is 5th cross street and so on and on. Influencing the person.  One who is good at it is a good magician.

Post this Magic, even if Magician reveals the the person that he was influenced by him, the person will not accept, as the pride will never allow that he was controlled by other person. Similarly, the so called Liberals public, think they are independent thinkers but actually they are nothing Robots who are influenced by pesudo intellectuals, making them as living Artificial Intelligence beings