Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Why Conversion?

Religion is relatively new word, found its usage around 17th - 18th centuries, mostly refers to Christianity, as non-christians are called as Pagans.  Till now is not defined precisely. To an extent  it means, a belief or faith in a particular system, mostly the system here refers to super natural powers called GOD. Derived from the latin word "Religare" means "to bind".

Religion (Used to refer Christianity) believes in Monotheism, only one God, and restricts itself to particular practice, behaviours and beliefs. Since it believes in only one God, it cannot accept the other forms of God, which makes it to hate other beliefs or faith, as accepting other beliefs or faith is like directly distrusting itself. All non-followers of it, are either sinners or Satan (Opponent of God) worshippers.

Where as on the other hand, Dharmic, is a way of life, formulating practices (amendable) with respect to nature,  emphasises on duties (Karma). Practices can be Ahimsa (Jainism) or Vaidika Dharma (Sanatana), which has  6-7 versions, each further has  ranges between 2 to 36 versions or Nirvana (Buddhism)  or Panentheism (Sikhism) and so on collectively known as Hinduism. It is not polytheism as wrongly propagandised by Abrahamic religions, they derive that by taking exact opposite of Monotheism. Dharmic is not Polytheism, it is Pluralism.  The difference is multiple destinations versus multiple routes. In Pluralism the destination for is same, with multiple routes which follower is free to choose one, as per their wish, taste, maturity and comfortableness. Which is strictly prohibited in Monotheism, as they believe in only one GOD and to reach him there is only one Way with  rigid rules and practices, like specific prayer times for specific reasons on a designated day of the week and so on.

Paganism is a spiritual practice with multiple beliefs and forms, flourished in pre-christian era. Paganism and Dharmic practices are more or less the same, they both believe in nature worshiping and in Karma (Dharma), and there is no concept of Satan in both these practices. To level the grounds, both have concept of Bad.

No, Bad is not Evil, but Evil is bad.  Let me try to illustrate, condemning naughty kid harshly is bad,  giving capital punishment to the kid is evil  Bad in one situation becomes good in another, say for ex. Killing in war zone is good for nation, it is bad in family squabble. Dharmic practice comprises of such complicated philosophies, which negates itself again and again, making it more complicated to understand and practice. The more one knows about this practice, the more remains unknown.

Why  Conversion?

Neither Pagans nor Dharmics, have any advantage in converting others, as they don't have any concrete or at-least one static luring point to attract others, moreover it is a practice with multiple forms, so even religion with Monotheistic beliefs is one of the way for them. In pluralism there is no conversion, as they migrate from way to another, elevate and evolve.  It is based on evolution theory (Much before Darwin :) ), and it is not like choose one and stick to it forever, flexible enough to change ways as per the needs and maturity. Because of this diversity there is always a constant change, beating monotones

On the other hand, Religion, lacks this dynamism, so they need to add more people to their group, to bring this dynamism. In general religious practice  is very mechanical, tiring and loses its significance over a period of time. Hence, in this practice blasphemy is taken serious offence, which can earn brutal death.

One can talk profanely about Dharmic practice, it doesn't affect them much, exceptions are there as well, mostly wont get affected however such talks about a religion is deadly and disastrous. Religion narrows followers thoughts, as there is only one thing to believe, and that belief cannot and should not be challenged.

Religion indulges in conversion extensively to increase their strength, so, non-adheres can be eliminated, like Pagans in Uganda, Mazdayasna, Dharmic followers in Pakistan(s) and all . Religion controls  people psychologically, as the followers are forced to adhere to the rules and regulations, formulated by the priest or leader of the group, technically he is the controller, giving him the power to control the people. It is like military training who blindly obeys order, and never dares to challenge. More people to the group, more power to the priest or the leader of the group. Thats answers why conversion is done profusely in Religion.

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