Thursday, August 21, 2008

Economic Growth

After the 61years of independence where are we standing on the grounds of economic standards, people who say that we are self sustained, and we have a grown a lot on the economic grounds I want them to think again, I was surprised to watch in one of the special programs hosted on the Independence day, the pride that today’s youth have on the growth of economic standards is scaring me, rather it turns out to be a nightmare to the country. Below are the points that were fired to support for there views.

1) Obsolete of “No vacancy” because of globalization, even a fresher gets a on today’s market.
2) Luxurious life since the availability of international brands
3) Average income exceeding 15k per month and so on

I was stunned to see the youngsters living in such an illusionary world, let’s see the reality in the points they have registered,

Anyone who steps in Chennai, can find a job easily, unless and until he is the laziest creature in the world, or a self respectful person, yes I mean it self respect, almost 60% to 80% of the Chennai sleeps during the day and works during night, I mean job in International call centers, night shifts are not new to our community, right from the stone age there are people who were doing night shifts, to safe guard the sleeping persons from wild animals and enemies. But our youngsters are burning their midnight oil to burn their dreams, this is the worst suicide I’ve ever come across and in many places where both work in IT or ITES industry, it turns out to be an homicide which ultimately leads to genocides. Don’t say that they are working hard to safe guard the country or their families or themselves at least but the reality is they are actually ruining all. For a hand full of salary the youngsters dream is buried forever, with this lump sum amount, and globalization what ever product or goods the youngster buys happens to be an international brand, obviously he works for international clients, the normal cotton shirt which costs around 300 to 500 INR max, is now costing him 1500 INR min for the brand he wish to buy, goodos to the globalization and yes there is an economic growth which enabled him to spend thrice of what the actual price is. In many case the initial salary of a youngster earns is twice or thrice his/her father’s salary, but actually not, father’s salary is broken into bits and pieces like allowances, dividends and pension. Any which ways who cares for long term benefit, He is ready to buy a property by offering twice or thrice the actual price, since there is huge money without future benefits he thinks he can afford too, but unfortunately he regrets half way down, but thanks to the international banks for immediate help, to give another illusion of support, with pride that he owns a property now, sarcastically it lasts only for a near future, by the time he closes loan, he owns only a jalopy. Same thing goes with the plans of owning a vehicle, no Indian car suits his/her need, the new economic policies and globalization has already seized the Indian automobile industry, he/she can buy a foreign car or an Indian car manufactured with a foreign collaboration, profiting multi national companies, again thanks to international banks for supporting our youngster now he can buy car, but owns a jalopy.

From inner wears to outer wears, from car to property, from phone to home appliances what ever he/she buys in India is not from an Indian company, whatever he earned the lion share, probably the whole share is given to the international giants again. Thanks to globalization.

Where is the economic growth to India? I can see only western countries growth on Indian’s hard work and their self esteem
It is not only with ITES, It is 100% applicable to software engineers as well, the only difference between them and call center executives are their shift timings, unfortunately not all times. Whatever paid to our youngsters is been taken back through life style they live and through the globalization imposed on them. In today’s market their buying power is huge to buy any products or goods by paying twice or thrice more then the actual price, if this trend continues the trend of assassinating farmers, one meal price will be astronomically huge and their buying power will just look like an atom when compared.

If that is called as an economic growth, yes we are on its way.

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